Atlantic Coast Chiropractic

Over the last few years and especially since the birth of my boys, I have been very interested in how all of this new technology could be affecting our health. After all we are constantly being "radiated." Whether from our cell phones that might as well be an anatomical body part, to our computers and wireless connections that are everywhere, from the homes to restaurants and coffee shops, our bodies are constantly interconnected with radiation. The following information is what I have learned from my researching the topic on my own. Over the next several blogs we will be discussing what electromagnetic frequencies are, how they work, how it interacts with the body, and how to do our best to modify our lifestyle to protect ourselves while enjoying these new gadgets!

The technologies we use today, from our everyday appliances, cell phones, even our cars, emit electromagnetic frequencies (EMF's) and radiation that can penetrate and affect us, and possibly compromise our health and disturb our environment.

When it comes to magnetic radiation, the body is as easily penetrated as air. This means if you are near a powerful EMF, electromagnetic radiation isn’t just around you, it’s inside you.

Your body’s electrical signals are well within the range of those that can be stimulated by ambient microwaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. That harmful, unnatural type of stimulation can possibly impact your body.

Wireless radiation dangers are not something that the mainstream consciousness wants the public focusing on. As the wireless gadget market expands, the question as to the safety of wireless radiation is hardly ever addressed.

And if the question of wireless radiation safety is asked, the most often heard response is that levels of radiation from wireless devices are below the current government guidelines and, therefore, safe.

The problem with this conclusion is that government safety levels on certain posions/pollutions have been known to change to better fit the times. In other words, it has not been beneath certain regulatory agencies to raise or lower the "safety" levels on certain substances so as to keep certain pollutants within the official safe range when their concentration has gone up due to a man-made or natural disaster.

Wireless radiations are frequencies that enable information to be carried to and from various destinations without having to be contained in a wire.

These frequencies oscillate quickly and are within the group of frequencies known as microwave radiation. The microwave oven cooks food by causing thermal heating on a cellular level. This thermal heating excites the molecules, destabilizing electrons and producing heat.

Radiation levels are currently deemed safe if they are too low to cause thermal heating of tissue. The current theory on radiation is that, if there is no tissue heating, there is no damage.

The problem with this theory; various studies have shown that damage to DNA occurs even when radiation levels are too low to cause thermal heating of tissue. This DNA damage is what can potentially lead to very serious health problems.

After an extensive review of over 2,000 such studies, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences concluded EMFs should be regarded as possible carcinogens. An International working group of leading scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals are bringing scientific concerns about the radiation to light.

Their 2007 report, the BioInitiative Report, concludes that the existing standards for public safety are completely inadequate to protect your health. The report includes studies showing evidence that electromagnetic fields affects gene and protein expression, induces stress response and inflammation, affects immune function, affects neurology and behavior, causes childhood cancers (Leukemia), impacts melatonin production which can lead to things such as Alzheimer’s Disease or even Breast Cancer .

Artificial EMF's change the frequency of your body's electromagnetic fields through a process called entrainment. This is the tendency of an object to vibrate at the same frequency as something outside of it. In other words, powerful artificial EMFs overwhelm your body’s own electrical fields, changing their frequency and distorting the balance of the body's electromagnetic field and its communication systems. This causes physical, mental and emotional chaos.

The danger doesn’t always pass once you get away from the strong electromagnetic field. The reason for this being is that biological systems have been proven to store electromagnetic radiation within the cell, much like how the body has a hard time excreting heavy metals.

Because cell phones have such powerful EMFs (usually in the microwave range!) and are held to the head or kept close to the body, they are especially dangerous. 20-80% of the radiation from a phone’s antenna penetrates up to 2 inches into the adult brain. Studies have shown that people who sleep with a cell phone by the bed have poor REM sleep, leading to impaired learning and memory. Long-term effects remain to be seen. When the cell phone signal is held next to the head, brainwaves are altered a full 70% of the time.

Many insurance companies are so alarmed by the evidence that they now exclude health issues related to cell phone radiation from coverage. Most brain surgeons limit their cell phone use, and counsel patients never to hold them to their ears.

In short, electromagnetic radiation can harm human health, and the dangers are all around us. We are currently in a state of the greatest human population experiment of all time and everyone is involved. Does this mean that I think we should eradicate all technologies? Of course not. However, we should be cognizant of how much exposure we are getting and avoid things when logical and possible.

The following are the biggest culprits of EMF affecting us on a regular basis: cell phones, wireless routers, computers/laptops, smart meters, large screen TV's, electric alarm clocks, and wireless alarm systems.

In the following blog, we will go over some more specific effects of EMF's and what we can do to limit and negate exposure!


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