Atlantic Coast Chiropractic

Frequently Asked Questions About Whole-Body Cryotherapy

You may already recognize that holistic healing and pain management programs often incorporate various modalities and techniques. If you've heard the term "whole-body cryotherapy" associated with such programs, you're probably wondering what this treatment method is all about and whether it might help you. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions on this topic provided by Atlantic Coast Chiropractic in Wilmington.


What Is Whole-Body Cryotherapy?

Whole-body therapy is a treatment technique that involves exposing the entire body to temperatures of extreme cold for 2 to 3 minutes at a time. Liquid nitrogen cools the air until the patient's skin temperature reaches approximately 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Does Cold Help the Body?

The intense cold exposure offered by whole-body cryotherapy helps the body in many ways. By reducing peripheral blood flow and blood temperature, we can reduce inflammatory pain and swelling. The temporary reduction in peripheral blood flow makes more blood, oxygen, and nutrients available for the internal organs. Cryotherapy also numbs nerve tissues to put a stop to nagging pain signals. It's believed that cryotherapy can even help to normalize hormone levels in the body.

What Conditions Can Whole-Body Cryotherapy Treat?

Our chiropractor may recommend a course of cryotherapy to treat such diverse conditions as migraines, inflammatory skin conditions, arthritis symptoms, muscle spasms, pinched nerves, and chronic nerve pain.

How Does Whole-Body Cryotherapy and Chiropractic Care Complement Each Other?

Whole-body cryotherapy and chiropractic care make natural partners in a holistic healing or pain management program. The muscle relaxation and numbing effects of cryotherapy can make chiropractic adjustments even easier and more effective. The combination of these therapies can result in faster injury healing that the use of either therapy by itself.

What Can I Expect From a Cryotherapy Treatment?

You may be surprised to learn that you won't experience the severe shock, shivering, or stiffness that you might expect from a session in a whole-body cryotherapy chamber. The oxygen-rich, dry air shouldn't cause any discomfort at all, and you'll be able to move just as freely after the sessions as before. We will advise you on what to wear to your treatment session. We will also fit you with a special set of headwear, gloves, and footwear.

Why should I do it? What should I expect?

A single cryotherapy session will greatly reduce pain and inflammation while simultaneously releasing hormones that stimulate and energize you. After 3 sessions and the impact of sending oxygen, nutrients, and hormone rich blood to the muscular-skeletal system will start to make a real impact on your recovery rate. 

 After 7 to 10 sessions you will start to notice a weight loss impact and a full nervous system reset. 3500 calories equals one pound. 1 cryotherapy session burns about 500 to 800 extra calories throughout the day of the session. 10 sessions and you’ve burned up to 8,000 extra calories.

Learn More about Whole-Body Cryotherapy at Our Chiropractic Clinic in Wilmington

Could whole-body cryotherapy be good for what ails you? There's one way to find out for sure. Call our Atlantic Coast Chiropractic in Wilmington at 910-798-0101 to learn more and schedule an in-person consultation.


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